§ Monday, January 31, 2005 @ 12:59 AM
Well, our points total wasn't so good, but this is probably the most fun I've had with trivia in 8 years of playing. Between jamming on-campus action questions, the forties, the extra people that were here, Squishy, and all the other shenanigans this was an awesome year. See y'all next year.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 11:19 PM
Oi. Having actually stayed awake the whole weekend, I'm more than ready for the Garudas to start. It's been a long weekend to say the least. It looks like all of our scoring issues have been worked out. We're currently in 11th, 15 points behind the top 10. A little disappointing score-wise this year, but it's still been loads of fun.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 11:01 PM
It's garuda time everybody. AFRICA
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 8:49 PM
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 8:24 PM
Mad props to Adamn and Squishy for playing the Too Much Trivia in the Pants action jam song.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 7:32 PM
Pantsless hour ended at 6:00 and Squishy just put his pants back on. What a bizarre trivia Sunday.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 6:15 PM
Yeah, we jammed a fucking on-campus action question! Way to go Luke with the re-gift!
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 5:19 PM
Krist forgot his boxers and had to go commando. Damn, this is starting to get weird.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 5:17 PM
It's 5:00 and all the pants are off. It will be interesting to see if Too Much Trivia In the Pants plays better with the pants off.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 5:15 PM
Despite our typically sausage-fest style team we kicked some ass during girl hour. That's cuz Krist is smoove B with tha trivia ladies.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Having a decent streak going right now. Actually gets a little cramped in here when we have lots of people. Hopefully we can keep the momentum going. The final stretch isn't far away and we have a lot of catching up to do.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 10:15 AM
I'm still rocking on zero sleep this weekend. We were briefly down to 2-1/2 (Corey is here and awake, but working on homework). Matt woke up shortly thereafter to join Squishy, Corey, and I, and we're actually doing okay at the moment.
The trivia masters want phone answers. We only have 4 people at the moment, so it hardly seems feasible. Thanks to Skull Squadron for pledging a person to send down, but the request for a counter offer from the other teams by the masters seems strange. There are 64 registered teams. If every team sent at least one person, we'd have 64 phone answerers. Just a thought.
Despite our numbers, we've considered pledging 5 people. A quick phone call to COTS could round up 5 new teammates willing to take the free food and tote bags. So, we ask you trivia masters, do you want Too Much Trivia in the Pants to round up five new team members from COTS to make honorary team members and come down to answer phones? A phone call can get you covered....
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 4:08 AM
We're kicking all asses now. Yours may be next! Kneel before your trivia masters!
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 2:55 AM
We finally have some relief crew members. Now we can finally relax. If we can come down off the speed that is.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 2:15 AM
Erik, your beautiful nubian soul is sorely missed.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 2:13 AM
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 12:53 AM
Well it seems that we're developing a little bit of a reputation among the phone answerers. Well to set the record straight, yes we are complete asses.
§ Sunday, January 30, 2005 @ 12:38 AM
Well well well, I guess the team Gurgle Durr is really just a team of dirty cheaters. I mean damn, calling in more than once with an answer. We never do that!
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 11:54 PM
We're at question 188 right now and have only 490 points. At this point last year we had 600 points, while two years ago we had 670. Man, we just keep on dropping....
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Having reached the half-way point, people are starting to show up again. Assemblage has begun. Good thing we took time to do a little cleaning before while everyone was out before the 40s arrived.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 11:30 PM
The triviamasters are playing "Africa" slowly and in reverse. This year we won't try to analyze it using analytical audio software but it is still nice to hear.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 11:28 PM
The forties have finally arrived, and thus ends any attempt to actually do well in this contest. The trivia forty is a longstanding pants tradition and drunken pictures will be posted later. Those of you playing along with us through webcast and IM, be sure to get some 40s of your own. I recommend Colt 45 and a nice plastic bag to put your head in when the ol' stomach gets a little uneasy after being awake for 40+ hours.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 8:04 PM
Yay! Hipster Hour is over!
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 7:48 PM
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 7:44 PM
Yes, I can verify that neither the Teletubbies nor the Velvet Underground are currently in Zach's kitchen. Stupid question.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 7:28 PM
You know hipsters can be pretty fucking irritating. Why don't they have a hobo music hour? That would be much cooler.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 6:09 PM
I'm up after a nice 3 hour nap. We're up to thirteen people playing trivia right now, a pretty healthy number for us.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 4:58 PM
Jeff is here. Computers are fully staffed.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 2:03 PM
Corey just emerged from his cave to join the land of the living. Welcome back Corey.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 1:20 PM
Krist's mom stopped by and dropped off some lunch for the team. Thanks Krist' mom! Also, one of our sponsors, The Computer Guy, stopped by and dropped off more beer. All in all, a good afternoon so far.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 12:07 PM
For a little while there we seriously thought Squishy was having a heart attack. Turns out though that it was just gas.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 11:54 AM
Somehow we managed to get "Anne Leonard Sex Machine" read over the radio around 10:30 in the morning. Instant classic.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 10:22 AM
This is just a shout out for Harry Butter to get his ass over to trivia. Somehow we overcame the whiskey and have got 9 people playing on Saturday morning. A new pants record I think.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 10:07 AM
We have nine people up on a Saturday morning - this never happens. Well, I guess I can't say never anymore. I'm not sure how awake all nine are, but nine are atleast feigning consciousness right now.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 9:29 AM
It appears that ratemycameltoe.com is more effective than coffee for keeping our team awake.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 8:30 AM
We're on schedule for a better Saturday morning this year. Burger King is a happy place.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 7:50 AM
There's one word to describe the way we've been playing lately - sucky.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 6:16 AM
Well, apparantly Krist's ass is really sore. Let's hope it gets better.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 6:14 AM
Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne
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§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 6:04 AM
Oh well, web host is back up. Not the best year for us question-wise but earlier in the evening, Matt threw-up in his mouth and reswallowed it after his 3rd double whiskey shot. Good save!
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 5:57 AM
Doing so crappy lately you'd think we'd all gone to bed. Shitty.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 1:53 AM
Matt has Space Invaders Wrist, but he hasn't been near video games all night.
§ Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ 1:15 AM
Holy shit! Our web host is working again! Yay!
§ Friday, January 28, 2005 @ 2:41 PM

Booty Mix, Vol. 2: The Next Bounce II
There it is ladies and gentlemen: Booty Mix, Vol. 2: The Next Bounce II. The song "2 Much Booty (In da Pants)" by Soundmaster T is indeed the song which inspired our team name. If you don't already have one, I suggest you all run out and pick up your very own copy of this CD. But, in the words of LeVar Burton: You don't have to take my word for it. Here are some reviews:
aLBERt says, "I bought this CD a LOOONG time ago, and I still love it. It's the best songs from the late 90's. You can really shake you booty to it!" How could you argue with a guy who begins and ends his name with lower-case letters and fills the middle with upper-case? It's like a Twinkie.
Ryan, a Heather Mack fan from Ohio says, "I love this CD, i love to do the bump-n-grind with my boyfriend jimmy cassidy to this song, you have to buy this cd it rocks...i love you jim" Well, Jimmy Cassidy loves you too Ryan!
And finally, an anonymous music fan wrote, "This CD contains perhaps the best, high-energy bass track ever recorded, "Scarred", by Luke (Luther Campbell of 2 Live Crew Fame). If you like to move, if you're into car audio, this CD is a must have."
So I ask you, why haven't you bought this CD yet? Operators are standing by and supplies are going fast.
§ Friday, January 28, 2005 @ 4:05 AM
For those of you looking to kill a few minutes before Go Time, it's the annual article about trivia in the Post-Crescent. Enjoy.
§ Friday, January 28, 2005 @ 3:43 AM
Oh yeah, oh boy - watch out: TRIVIA IS HERE!!! It looks to me like we're 18 hours and change away from the start of yet another year. This year, we've got some competition. That's right - the trivia masters have a weblog. Oh yeah? You think so? It's on! That there in front of you - yeah, that's a line in the sand. Yeah, it's grudge match time, fisticuffs style. As a wiseman once said (Red Foreman) - and I paraphrase here - if it's not important enough to bareknuckle box over, then it's not very important. Well, the gloves are off. Let's see what you've got trivia masters. Oh yeah!
Oh, and for those of you not in the know yet, here's what this year's trivia shirt looks like:

Trivia XL t-shirt
§ Thursday, January 27, 2005 @ 6:41 PM
Matt and I are currently in the War Room getting everything set up. Looks like we should be good to go for tomorrow night. The room is quaint and ought to work out well for our operations. Pants Unite!
§ Tuesday, January 25, 2005 @ 12:12 AM
According to the official Trivia XL website, Grand Master Jonathan Roberts and Master Meara Levezow will be on the FOX 11 morning show on Thursday morning at 7:25 and 7:45. There are trivia commercials on WAPL and an ad in the Encore section of Thursday's Post-Crescent. Oh - and banners on College Avenue. Yowza. Now the question becomes, can they live up to the hype...?
§ Saturday, January 22, 2005 @ 4:35 PM
For those team members who don't check their email very often, the annual trivia email has been sent. Check your inboxes for information on the location of this year's operations. We'll be setting up on Thursday night in preparation for this year's contest which begins on Friday. Questions? Drop an email.
§ Wednesday, January 12, 2005 @ 2:12 PM
Good afternoon Pantsians and Pants Enthusiasts. There are only 16 days until the glory that is trivia weekend will be upon us. As always, drinking and debauchery will abound when Too Much Trivia in the Pants meets again for our eighth year. More info will be coming in the next 2 weeks via email concerning our location and game plan for this year's contest. Until then....