More Trivia Updates
§ Monday, January 22, 2007 @ 8:40 PM
More updates concerning this year’s contest have been posted — these ones on the trivia Web site itself. Among the noteworthy announcements:
- The phone number to call in answers for off-campus teams is unchanged from last year: (920) 832-6937. So, if you’re like me and never deleted the number from your phone, then you’re already set to go.
- The trivia masters plan on having teams test their delay during registration by comparing time using the atomic clock. No word on how we’re going to pull this off while registering from a bar and unable to hear the Webcast.
- This year’s official trivia T-shirts are available in adult sizes S through XXL and cost $8 ($9 for XXL). Here is this year’s T-shirt logo:

Great Midwest Trivia Contest XLII T-shirt logo