Another Wonderful Year in the Books
In less than four hours now I’ll be on a plane headed back to Minneapolis, but before that happens I wanted to write a few words here. I want to thank everyone for another great year. Our success two years ago — when we finished fifth, but appeared to have a chance at a top-three finish most of the weekend — might have given us some unreal expectations, but the truth is that I’m personally more than happy with finishing how we did because we had a blast doing it. Thank you to everyone who came from across town, across the state, or from out of state. Thank you to everyone who took off of work to be here, and thank you to everyone who squeezed in a couple hours to play with us between work and sleep. And, of course, thank you to our fabulous hosts, without whom none of this would have been possible. It sounds to me like everyone is really excited about next year, and that being the case, I see no reason why Too Much Trivia in the Pants shouldn’t return for a thirteenth year in 2010.
I managed to get photos posted from this year while I still have Internet access, so go check those out. I know that there were several people with cameras around the War Room this year, and if you have photos you want to share, feel free to e-mail them to me and I will try to get them posted as soon as I can (again, no guarantees on a timeline here, as I don’t have Internet access at home).
And so, with that, trivia officially closes for us for the year. (Yes, for those not in-the-know, trivia for our team is practically a week-long affair.) Planning is already under way for next year, and — to the best of my knowledge — the dates for next year’s contest should be January 29-31, 2010. I will try to make it back to town at some point over the next year to see all of you here, but, if not, I hope to see you when we gather again next year for Great Midwest Trivia Contest XLV.