Oh, It's ON Bitch!
§ Friday, January 28, 2005 @ 3:43 AM
Oh yeah, oh boy - watch out: TRIVIA IS HERE!!! It looks to me like we're 18 hours and change away from the start of yet another year. This year, we've got some competition. That's right - the trivia masters have a weblog. Oh yeah? You think so? It's on! That there in front of you - yeah, that's a line in the sand. Yeah, it's grudge match time, fisticuffs style. As a wiseman once said (Red Foreman) - and I paraphrase here - if it's not important enough to bareknuckle box over, then it's not very important. Well, the gloves are off. Let's see what you've got trivia masters. Oh yeah!
Oh, and for those of you not in the know yet, here's what this year's trivia shirt looks like:

Trivia XL t-shirt